My cousin took my sister, the German, and me to a "CP Club" party. The CP Club is a really exclusive club in Nagpur that you need a membership for and this was supposed to be the best party in Nagpur. It turned out to be a rather fun night, especially because my cousin had given me such low expectations. There were definitely some families there, which is a new thing. And the whole thing was outdoors, which was pretty nice. It was a much more wholesome party than the ones we're used to. Girls were much more covered and dancing was way more tame. And families actually danced together. There was a severe shortage of girls, which my cousin attributed to the fact that girls aren't usually allowed to go out at night. I asked him where guys and girls meet up, and apparently, there are afternoon parties in India that the girls come to. They close the curtains so it seems dark and dance away... interesting phenomenon...
In any case, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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